The Butterfly Effect

Does my life have a purpose & meaning? Does what I do or say even matter?

Ever heard of Edward Lorenz? Probably not. He is the scientist who first proposed a theory that became known as the “butterfly effect” in 1963.

The butterfly effect basically states that a small change in one system can have large effects elsewhere. Imagine a butterfly stirring air molecules with the gentle flapping of its wings. Then the air molecules move more molecules until they may finally stir up a hurricane on the other side of the planet.

Meet Mrs. Glenda, an 84-year-old southern belle from Hueytown, Alabama. She is a living example of the butterfly effect – notice the pin on her shoulder. I met her at a woman’s conference at which I spoke last fall. There where probably 300 people in the room and I was flitting about meeting the ladies and asking them about their beautifully decorated tables.

When I got to Mrs. Glenda’s table, I noticed a beautiful butterfly pin on her shoulder. She told me the coolest thing about her pin. She has dozens and wears one every day. Why? When people comment on her pins, she uses this as open door to share how Christ has changed her life.

What a fitting symbol to represent how Christ can transform a life. Just as a butterfly undergoes a magical metamorphosis, Jesus can transform us.

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18

The word transformed in the above verse comes from the Greek metamorphoó. You can clearly see the metamorphosis root word, which means to be changed.

So as Mrs. Glenda shares the gospel with her butterfly pin, she begins a little ripple of a thought in a person’s mind. And who knows how many lives have been completely transformed simply because she stirred the air with some words of life from her mouth. 

Every Billy Graham or Mother Theresa in the world has a chain of causal effects that is mind-blowing. For example, the great evangelist Dwight L. Moody was brought to faith through the burdened heart of his Sunday School teacher who made a special trip to talk to Moody one on one.

Moody impacted several people, one of whom eventually held evangelistic crusades in Charlotte, NC – the home of a young Billy Graham who responded to the gospel message during the crusade. Yes, the butterfly effect was in full force and it all started with the burden of a Sunday School teacher.

The influence of one person’s actions should never be underestimated. Our words or actions of today could eternally impact another person. That person could impact several more. Those several people could impact untold throngs of people. I believe Jesus called this process “making disciples”.

When I grow up, I want to be like Mrs. Glenda. The Butterfly Effect of the gospel not only has the power to change the person you are chatting with at Walmart but also someone who lives on the other side of the planet. And it all starts with our voice moving air molecules to share the Good News.

You have been created for a purpose. Disturb the air around you. Make the difference only you can make. Your life matters.

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