SheLeads Part 6: Laverne and Shirley

lavern and shirleyI used to love watching Laverne and Shirley when I was kid. There was just something about the capital “L” on Laverne’s sweaters and Shirley’s dimples that made my Saturday night!

You know these two were always trying to work their way out of the basement apartment to a better life. In the process, they almost always ended up in some kind of trouble, bickering about who’s fault it was. But in the end, we all knew it was going to be ok because they were truly best friends.

As I read Philippians 4 about two women in conflict, Laverne and Shirley’s image popped into my head for some reason. But these two women were not bottle cappers in a brewery, but rather, co-laborers in the gospel with the Apostle Paul.  And their names are a little tricky…Euodia and Syntyche.

I have let my mind drift a bit to imagine what in the world two women might be angry with each other about in 61 AD or so. Did one of them snub the other in the market place?  Or maybe someone’s dish got more compliments at the Philippian church potluck. Who knows?

However, these women were being called out by name by THE Apostle Paul. This naming of both ladies put the need for change squarely on both of their shoulders.  I think it is safe to assume they had some kind of leadership role within the Philippian church. Whatever they were doing was evangelistic in nature because Paul says they “have shared my struggle in the cause of the gospel” in Philippians 4:3.  This leadership role made their dispute that much more obvious to everyone and Paul urged them to live in harmony.

The cause of Christ must be put above any conflict between women, men, or any combination thereof. Scripture calls us to unity in Christ. “There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling…” Ephesians 4:4.

Scriptures kind of leave us hanging with Euodia and Syntyche’s story. We have no idea if they came to forgive each other or if they went on developing deeper bitterness. Paul didn’t ask them to be best friends, he asked them to “live in harmony” or “be of the same mind” depending on your translation.

Now that doesn’t mean they had to agree upon everything. It does mean they should have an humble opinion of themselves and be unified in the matters that truly count.

Their decision had big implications. The continued conflict could cause more dissention and less growth in the church at Philippi. Conflict is cancerous and can metastasize to every part of the body of Christ if untreated.

Makes me wonder what might be written about people in our modern congregations. Would our names be found in some text, urging us to “live in harmony” with someone? The FRUITFULNESS of the church depends upon the UNITY of the church.

Laverne and Shirley’s theme song ends with the phrase “and we’ll do it our way, yes our way”. We can’t live by that theme song because “our way” has proven to be the wrong way! We need to do things Christ’s way which means to live in harmony with one another.

I am a big believer in self-examination. Are we in conflict with someone in the church? You may not even realize how much it impacts the spiritual health of your congregation. If so, make it right sisters! It may take some swallowing of pride, but the cause of Christ is worth it.

You can read other posts in this SheLeads Series here:

SheLeads Part 1…Boundaries

SheLeads Part 2…Jewel Leads Herself

SheLeads Part 3…Taming the Emotion Gremlin

SheLeads Part 4….She Balances Life & Ministry

SheLeads Part 5: At Jesus’ Feet



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