Eclipse 2017 – The Heavens are Telling

Who’s geeking out with me about the Aug. 21 solar eclipse?

Not to mention it totally makes me think of the Bonnie Tyler song, “Total Eclipse of the Heart” 🙂

I got to teach some lessons about this once-in-a-lifetime event this week in my school system and I am completely into it now after researching it. God will be showing off His handiwork with this amazing heavenly display.

Yes, I am a geeky science-girl with two science degrees who believes in a divinely created universe.

Many scientists feel like they must leave their faith at the door because it is not quantifiable. I have a BS in biology and a MAed in chemistry education – and everyday when I was in the classroom – I brought my faith with me.

I don’t see faith and science as being mutually exclusive.

When I study science, I see God’s thumbprint everywhere. There are such masterful designs in our universe, I simply cannot fathom that it has come about rather randomly.

If we took the pieces of a MacBook and scattered them on a deserted island, what are the odds those parts would come together to create a computer? Slim to none I’d say. That’s how I feel about our universe. There is zero chance it randomly came together.

Part of God’s revelation to us, the most basic revelation, is what nature speaks to us in our spirit. Just looking around, we instinctively know there is an Elohim…Creator God.

The Heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.” Psalm 19:1

For since creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so they are without excuse. Romans 1:20

By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. Hebrews 11:3

One of humanities first stumbling blocks to faith in God is denying His creative nature – He created out of nothing – ex nihilo – according to Genesis 1. God’s revelation of Himself through nature is one of the first things that draw us to Him. If we reject this most basic call, faith in Christ is likely never to happen.

So as you enjoy the solar eclipse…

safely, with ISO 12312-2 compliant lenses…consider who set this whole sha-bang into motion. Let the eclipse be a reminder that we serve an immensely great God who so intricately designed this universe that scientist can accurately predict future eclipses down to the day, hour, and minute.

This same God whose finger keeps the heavenly bodies in synchronous orbit used that same finger to write on our hearts (Romans 2:15).

God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.  ~ Augustine



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  1. We are as unique as each snowflake that falls from the sky! And even though they are innumerable He sees only me when I am in need of Him day or nightwo or you when you need Him. I love the quote by Augustine, God loves each of us as if there were only one of us! Even though there are over what some 7 billion people on earth, He can be as intimate as He needs to be with you or me.

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