Record the Vision

Record the Vision

Did this past year leave you scarred and battered? A full revolution around the sun can leave us dizzied and confused. But there is something exciting about sitting on the edge of one year, ready to leap into a fresh new one.  Many of us are ready to fill in our new 2023 planners with…

It’s Your Turn

It’s Your Turn

Many people have written about waiting on God. And honestly, I am a little tired of hearing about it. Umm, did I say that out loud? Before you click away from this page, let me explain. We bemoan how difficult it is to wait on God and ask “How long O Lord?”  When we talk to…

Just Be Held

Just Be Held

“Hold it all together, everybody needs you strong.” And with that one line, the song “Just Be Held” had my attention. That is me in a nutshell. Shelly…wife, mom, grandma, leader, teacher, education professional. Hold it together girl – you can’t let anybody see your mess. So many times I have put on the expected…

Resurrection Power NOW

Let’s be honest… We hear many people preaching, singing, tweeting, facebooking, etc…about resurrection power, but is it a reality in our lives? Does our experience match all the hype? Many born-again Christians live an ineffective, powerless life and that does not align with what we read in Scripture. So what’s up with that? Apostle Paul…


I’m not a flowery wordsmith. Not even a little bit. But for whatever reason, God has my nose poked into the Psalms for my personal study. I have resisted systematically studying the Psalms over the years because, honestly, it is not my style of writing. I am a bit too left-brained for my own good….