Social Distancing

Social Distancing

We are in the midst of it friends. COVID-19 has invaded every part of our lives. This virus has exponentially multiplied and invaded my emails and social media feeds with no signs of slowing down. Because of this virulent strain, we have new words and phrases to add to our vocabulary. The concept of social…


Last week, we went to Tennessee to see 3 of our grandchildren. Zion, the cutie-pie circled in the pic below, is 4 years old and obsessed with Magna-tiles. He is also obsessed with asking people to play with him. He said “Lulu, play with me” a gazillion times. Admittedly, I didn’t want to get down…

Emmanuel in Exodus

Emmanuel in Exodus

Emmanuel in Exodus is the name of our church’s Christmas Program this season.  I really hadn’t given the title to our program much thought until Wednesday night when our worship pastor, BJ,  drew our attention to it.  Jesus’ earth-bound name in Matthew 1:23 is Emmanuel, meaning God with us. Exodus simply means a departure.  Emmanuel indeed made…