Home Invasion

Home Invasion

No big secret here…in the last days, difficult times will come. The question is, are we ready? God did not hide this fact from us – He put it right under our noses in 2 Timothy 3 as Paul wrote to Timothy,  who was pastoring the church at Ephesus. Paul laid out quite the scary…

“I Have Heard Your Prayers, I Have Seen Your Tears” – 2 Kings 20:5

“I Have Heard Your Prayers, I Have Seen Your Tears” – 2 Kings 20:5

Did you know tears caused by stress differ from those caused by irritation or pain? They contain higher levels of stress hormones. Scientists believe that when we cry, tears release hormones that balance stress levels. Our bodies are intricately designed by an amazing Creator. He knew we would need some kind of outlet to balance…

After This…

After This…

Does God give us more than we can handle sometimes? Umm…absolutely yes! Let’s see: a global pandemic, riots, fear run amuck, economic crisis, and the list goes on. All of this adds a fresh layer to the “normal” hardships of marital problems, health issues that crop up from time to time, or everyday run-of-the-mill problems….

Divine Timeline

Divine Timeline

If you recorded anything on a 2020 calendar, like me, you likely had to draw a line through most of the Spring activities due to COVID. And now the riotous protests caused by the senseless murder of George Floyd is adding to the unrest of this year. As I sit here and write, I hear…

Borrowed Jars

Borrowed Jars

All of God’s revelations are sealed until they are opened to us by obedience…Obey God in the thing He shows you, and instantly the next thing is opened up. God will never reveal more truth about Himself until you have obeyed what you know already. ~ Oswald Chambers This quote from Chambers popped up in…

How Long?

How Long?

Fifteen days to flatten the curve. Thirty days to slow the spread. It seems every few days we have a new timeline to reach the peak of the COVID-19 cases or have a harsher new social-distancing recommendation. All of us have been knocked off our equilibrium of normal life. I cried about it for the…