I Am Who You Say I Am

Ok friends, when it comes to exercise, I am at best a fast walker/slow jogger.

Imagine a kid who knows they aren’t supposed to run at the pool because the lifeguard will blow the whistle, so the kid walks as fast as possible so they aren’t technically running – that’s me. I usually do all this fast walking/slow jogging at the St. Florian trail. And don’t you dare pronounce St. Florian like it is spelled – pronounce it St. Flo-rine or the locals will correct you right fast like!

As I make the circular trips around and around the trail, I usually listen to some of my favorite Bible teachers or some good music. Lately, I have been listening to some of our choir music and, mercy, I have been having church on that little 1/3 mile trail. I get some strange looks from the other folks getting their daily dose of exercise as they pass me and I am semi-raising my hands or have a goofy smile on my face. I did get a little embarrassed the other day when I thought I was alone singing at the top of my lungs – only I wasn’t alone.  When other people can’t hear the music, the alto part by itself sounds pretty weird.

In particular, the song “I Am Who You Say I Am” by Hillsong has had me in a tizzy. The words are incredibly powerful and filled with simple, but deep truth. Our minds are such odd things. What we whisper to ourselves repeatedly becomes our truth. And Satan loves nothing more than to whisper untruths in our ear that we then repeat to ourselves. Things like…you aren’t worthy, nobody wants you, you aren’t smart enough, skinny enough, funny enough, etc… These become the things we believe when we say them to ourselves repeatedly.

As an educator, I am always reading brain research. The latest brain research indicates negative self talk releases dozens of stress-releasing hormones and neurotransmitters that can effect our mood, reasoning, and communication. So if we are believing the lies the enemy is whispering in our ear, we are going to live powerless, victimized, defeated lives.

Thanks be to God we can quite literally change the channel in our mind through the power of the Holy Spirit. How you ask. We have to listen to truth and who God says we are. Let me take you back to the song, “I Am Who You Say I Am”. If you haven’t heard it, take a listen before you read on.


Just because someone sings a song that makes your toe tap or your heart skip a beat does not make it truth.

What makes it truth is it’s grounding in scripture. Take a look at the firm foundation this song has in some of it’s lyrics:

When we dwell in deep truths such as these in song and in study, then 2 Corinthians 10:5 comes to life!

 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,

So let me take you back to the St. Florian walking trail for a few minutes. I told you I had church right then and there last week as I listened to this scripture-steeped song. I also told you I am at best a fast walker/slow jogger. When the bridge of this song started playing, softly at first, my mind flooded with images of people who God had clearly told who they were in His power.

  • Gideon believed he was a valiant warrior instead of a fearful man hiding from his enemies
  • Esther believed she was a queen for “such a time as this” instead of being just an orphan
  • Moses believed he was a God-fearing leader instead of a shy man with a speech impediment
  • David believed he was a king after God’s own heart instead of just a shepherd boy
  • Peter believed he was a fisher of men and not just a fishermen

Well by this time the chorus had hit full strength and I felt such a rush of freedom to be exactly who God says I am, I took off like a jack rabbit in a full-on sprint – now it didn’t last long mind you.  Tears were streaming down my face and I really didn’t care who else was on the track. I wondered why I had such a response to this. I guess because I could totally add my name to the list above. Shelly believed she could be exactly who God said she could be though she often feels unworthy. 

If you are like me, and struggle a bit (or maybe a lot) with being firmly established in knowing who God says you are, I challenge you to flood your mind with truth. It might be truths found in solid songs like this one I have written about, but even better, go directly to the source of truth, God’s Word. Believe who God says you are and RUN free in His truth!

What would your “I believe” statement be? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

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