
Then the oil stopped flowing. 2 Kings 4:6b

Have you ever come to the point in your Christian walk when the oil stopped? For whatever reason, it jarsseems like a word from God is rare and it is a struggle to get into His word or utter your prayers. It can be a jarring experience!

There have been times in my life when I experienced a dry season. I went about my Bible study, teaching my classes, even doing some women’s events…but I felt like the oil. had. stopped.

I know from my history of studying the Bible that God is faithful and He is absolutely with me even if I can’t “feel” it. I also know these feelings of barrenness need to cause some self inspection to see what has stopped the flow of oil.

God reminded me of a passage in 2 Kings 4. This chapter is full of various miracles performed by the prophet Elisha. The one that caught my eye and pricked my spirit is the one about the widow woman whose sons were about to be taken into slavery due to a debt that her husband owed.

The poor widow approaches Elisha desperate for an answer. He asks a very simple question, “What do you have in your house?” The reply – “Nothing but a small jar of oil.” Hmm…oil…a symbol of the Holy Spirit throughout the Bible.

Elisha told the widow and her sons to gather empty jars, “and not a few”, from their friends. So that brings up a whole other issue…admitting to other’s you have a need. In these dry seasons, reach out and borrow as many jars as needed from some friends, in other words, seek godly help.

[ctt tweet=”I have some friends I depend upon to lend me jars from time to time. http://ctt.ec/Ql2xd+” coverup=”Ql2xd”] 

They were to pour the little bit of oil they had in their home into the empty jars – and then the miracle – the oil kept on pouring and pouring and pouring until they ran out of empty vessels.  Now they could sell the oil and pay off the debt.

When all the jars were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another one.” But he replied, “There is not a jar left.” Then the oil stopped flowing. 2 Kings 4:6

 I believe that the Holy Spirit indwells in us at the time we accept Christ. I also believe that we are continually filled as we make ourselves available, empty vessels for Him.

Ephesians 5:18 says “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;” The phrase “be filled” is present, passive, imperative…now that blessed you, didn’t it? All this means is that we are commanded (the imperative part) to be filled and to continue being filled (the passive, present part) by the Holy Spirit.

So what if we run out of empty jars? The oil stops. Not that the Holy Spirit leaves us, because He takes up permanent residence in believers (1 Corinthians 3:16, Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?).  But rather, the overflow of the Spirit may stop effectively working in our lives if our vessel is not available.

Get this image in your mind…the Holy Spirit flowing like oil into your being…then He flows out of you through serving others. There is a constant replenishing of fresh oil and anointing every day.

My prayer is this: Holy Spirit, jar my spirit so I will pour out on others through service and ministry in Your overflow. Help my life not to be so cluttered with the unimportant that I leave no room for You to flow through me.


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  1. Good insight, Shelly. When we quit poouring out into others’ lives, we quit being
    empty, therefore, the oil stops. I guess I come away from your post with the admonition to
    pour, pour, pour, our oil out to others so it won’t stop for us! Thanks

  2. You know a lot of times I have put the “lid” on my vessel and not let the Holy Spirit do good works through me. I have been selfish, lazy, or even just empty from not allowing Him to fill me up and pour me out. But I’m working on that sister. I’m learning to allow the Holy Spirit to pour out in my vessel. I’m not filled up yet, I know that. But I have had some wonderful, spiritual experiences in our church services that have overflowed in my daily walk. I’m getting there…thank you for your incite of how we need to become empty vessels to be filled up and poured out on others who may need encouragement or other needs.

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