Chadron, NE – Here We Come!

I just have to share the coolest story with you about how God clearly answered a prayer for our family. Several weeks ago, Jimmy Rowe scheduled an informational meeting for anyone interested in going to Chadron, NE for a mission trip. Something in my spirit was stirred. Tim asked if I wanted to go this meeting and I quickly said, “YES!” I guess I had heard Andrew Bishop so excited about going the year before, that I didn’t want to miss it. Plus, God spoke to my heart about women in Chadron that need to be taught in the Word.

After the meeting was over, we were pondering the cost of the trip for Tim, Hannah, and me. We did pray about it, but couldn’t get past the finances. We had “kind of” decided that we would just send Hannah and perhaps Tim and I would make the trip next year. What you need to understand is that Tim’s office was shut down last July. Since then, he has opened his own home inspection firm. With any new business, there is always start-up costs, training fees, and time to build the business. With all of those variables swirling in our head, we settled for the “answer” that we would not go. Well, let me re-phrase, I settled. We both continued to pray about the situation to see if God would give us any further word. I couldn’t let go of the feeling that we should be going on that trip for some reason. Tim put his faith into action by writing me a letter, dated April 1st. Here is the content of the letter:

Dear Shelly,
You are getting this letter because I told the Lord that 12 home inspections in April would provide the money we need to go to Chadron. Pack your bags and Bible because we are going to Chadron!
Praise the Lord, He is Great!

I am writing this devotion on April 26th, and to date, Tim has had 16 home inspections this month. Furthermore, the monthly goal he set for himself at the beginning of this year was 8 inspections. God CLEARLY answered this prayer by doubling that figure!

Mark 11:24 tells us “Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.” That is exactly what Tim did. He believed that God would give clear direction about this trip. So many times we pray for things and then are surprised when God answers. Is this because of our lack of belief?

I thank God for a husband who believes in the power of prayer and set forth a great example for me and our kids. Since his office shut down last July, I have seen his faith in action more than any other time in our marriage of almost 23 years. I firmly believe it is because his faith is in God and not in himself or his job.

I challenge you to begin praying now for the Chadron team and the Colorado team that will be ministering in the west this summer. I am expecting God to do great and mighty things! Prayer changes things.

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  1. What a wonderful blessing! Of course you know that I am sitting here with tears of joy streaming down my face from your story!!! I will be praying for your family and your trip! Makenna ( my daughter) is alson going on a mission trip this summer with our youth group…please pray for their safety and for hearts to be won for christ!

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