A Heart Divided

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.” ~ quote from an American Novelist. What a great quote about commitment! So many times we treat our walk with God with passing interest rather than…

Ka-Ching! Romans 4

What does “ka-ching” make you think of? Hopefully you think of a cash register that is ringing up a sale! Money is coming in and your account is being credited. Romans 4 has a lot of “ka-ching-ing” happening! But God is not counting what you might think! Many people think God is sitting on His…

Pearl Stringing and a Self Portrait: Romans 3:9-18

The first two chapters of Romans are pretty tough on Jews and Gentiles alike. Paul blasts the Gentiles in chapter 1 concerning some pretty atrocious sins in which they were participating.Then Paul takes aim at the self righteous Jew who has been kind of smirking about what the apostle just said about the Gentiles. He asks them some very direct…