Lesson 9, Part II…But When Christ Appeared

Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!

Mary at the tomb with two angels.

I hope you were able to complete the first part of this lesson as we compared the pattern of the wilderness tabernacle to Jesus. My favorite comparison is that of the mercy seat, the Ark of the Covenant’s lid. Remember it has two angels overshadwoing the Ark…after Jesus’ ressurection, John 20:12 tells us that Mary saw the place where Jesus had been laying and there was an angel on both ends! Now if that isn’t a perfect picture of the mercy seat, I don’t know what is!

Have you ever wondered why blood is such a prominent feature of Christianity. It kind of wigs some people out. Some denominations have gone as far to remove any songs in their hymnals that reference blood so as to not upset people.

But friends, it is the blood which atones for sin. Leviticus 17:11 says, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement.” Hebrews 9:22 echoes this verse and says that without the shedding of blood, there is NO remission of sin.

And it was Christ’s blood that would change everything. BUT WHEN CHRIST APPEARED AS A HIGH PRIEST (Heb. 9:11)…! God gave us a tangible example in the tabernacle as an example (copy or pattern) so we could better understand what Christ would do in the REAL heavenlies!

Hebrews 9:11-28 is all about the shedding of blood as a sacrifice for sin. Here are some study tips for these verses:

  • Continue marking your key words with colored symbols.
  • Read vv. 11-14.
    •  Cross reference Leviticus 9 for a better understanding of the blood sacrifice.
    • What is the major difference in Christ’s sacrifice and that of the animal sacrifices?
  • Read vv. 15-22 about the covenant.
    • What must happen before a covenant or a testament can go into effect?
    • Verse 18 refers back to the first covenant. Cross reference this in Exodus 24:1-10. What did Moses sprinkle on the people and the altar?
  • Read vv. 23-28 concerning Christ’s better sacrifice.
    • What kinds of things do these verses 23-24 say are “copies” of heavenly things?
    • Why did Christ’s sacrifice only need to be made once?
    • According to verse 24, Jesus didn’t enter the holy place for the sacrifice because it was just a copy. Where did Christ actual enter in to the presence of God?
    • According to verse 27, what comes after death? As Christians, covered by the blood of Christ, should we fear this?
    • Christ work is DONE – so the next time He comes, what is His purpose according to verse 28?

Is anyone excited about Christ’s return? He will not be dealing with the sin problem again – nope!  He will be coming for salvation to those who eagerly await Him!


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