Hebrews 3…The Fruit of UNBELIEF

The Fruit of UNBELIEF

Are you getting deeper into the word because of studying inductively friends? My heart’s desire is that you be transformed in your spirit through studying God’s Word. When your spirit is transformed, your thoughts and actions will line up with God’s truth. Now that is a great result!

This post is for Hebrews 3, but if you are pushing on a little ahead – go for it. Here are your observation sheets for chapters 4-6 from the NKJV: Chapters 4-6.

Can I be very honest with you? Chapter 3 was kind of difficult for me to get into this week. My first read of it didn’t “spark” my spirit…but the beauty of inductive study is it requires a second, third….multiple reads. So by the time I had read it several times, observed the text, and cross-referenced some things…the SPARK ignited! At times, you just keep on pushing through until the Holy Spirit turns that blessed light on in your heart and in your head!

Some things to do in Hebrews 3:

  • Chapter 3 contains the word “heart” several times. Go ahead and mark that with a red heart symbol. Make a list of what you learn about the heart.
  • In chapter 3, the author is comparing Jesus to Moses. Make a ‘T” chart with Moses on one side and Jesus on the other and list what you learn about them from verses 1-6. Make note of the prepositions (in/over) used concerning God’s house. Did Moses and Jesus have anything in common?
  • Verse 5 says that Moses was faithful over God’s house (the wilderness tabernacle) and that it was a “testimony” of those things which were to be spoken later. Mark “later” like you would a time reference. Do a little cross referencing…go back and re-read Hebrews 1:1-2. Do you see any connection between the “later” in Heb. 3:5 and in these “last days” in Hebrews 1:2?
  • VV. 7-19 is a stroll down memory lane of the Children of Israel’s 40 year trip through the wilderness. What was at the root of God’s anger toward them according to verse 10?
  • Verse 12 is a warning, so make sure you mark it as such. What is the warning? How is this similar to verse 10?
  • What similarities do you see in verses 6 and 14?
  • According to verse 19, what was at the very root of the problem for the desert-wandering Children of Israel?

Do you ever struggle with UNBELIEF? One of Satan’s favorite ways to to derail our walk with Christ is to cast doubt in our mind. I would love to hear some very real and practical ways that you combat unbelief in your walk with Christ.


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  1. The Israelites did not just doubt God, they seemed to go back to their old ways and actually denounced Him after they had seen His works for 40 years. They went astray and actually made God angry enough that He told them they would not enter His rest.
    Could this be the one thing that could cause a Christian to enrage God so much that they would not enter heaven? If they had actually tasted His glory, as the Israelites, then actually denounces Him. Read v.12 also. In this, I am not referring to doubting, I am saying that a persons actually denounces God after he has actually known Him.
    Something to think about. Brought up in our Sunday School class, in which we are practicing the “thinking and studying” for yourself.

    1. You are so right on the money when you say this is way beyond doubt. There was a serious root of unbelief among those who didn’t enter that rest…My next video will address that very thing! So glad your class is digging into the Word. Love it!

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